
Monday, February 25, 2013

Absentee Blogger

I feel like it's been ages since I've posted anything on here.  My apologies!  I promise that as soon as it's morning and light outside (and by 'morning' and I do not mean, now, at 12:02am, I mean 'the morning' as it is called by civilized folk who actually sleep), I will take some photos of the awesome hutch I finished up last week for a friend. 

I'm totally jealous of it and resent having to move it out of our basement. 

Actually, moving it out of the basement was fine (although, I may have given myself a hernia.  Only time will tell...).  The problem will come when my friend wants to pick it up and she'll have to drag me alongside it, wailing and gnashing my teeth.  I might even rend my clothing; depends what I'm wearing that day. 

I've been making a lot (A LOT!) of pillows...they're really popular!  Here's a picture of a custom burlap pillow I finished over the weekend.  Behind it is half of a personalized 'name' pillow.  Cuuuuute! 

I've also been working on a vintage coffee table-tray combo and dreaming up designs for a long, funky, retro coffee table.  I can't wait to start on that...

And on this: 

This dresser was made by Matt and featured on Design Sponge (a great site!).  You can read all about the details here.  My louvre doors are from our local ReStore - I got 2 panels for $10!  Great find!  They're unfinished wood, so I will need to stain mine, but that's fun, too! 

Tomorrow I've got to see a man about a horse.  And by 'man' I mean 'woman,' and by 'horse' I mean 'chair.'  Upholstery tips and tricks to the rescue!  Looking forward to it. 

That's what's keeping this girl outta trouble these days.  What about you? 

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