
Sunday, October 21, 2012

A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

I must apologize for my long absence from the blogsphere...I've got a lot on the go!

Most recently (read: about 20 mins ago), I finished up another 'French' coffee table for a client in Brampton, ON.  She loved the original table I had made in the summer so I more-or-less reproduced it for her. 

 The top photo is of the tables I just sold.  The bottom photo are the tables which sold in the summer.  I had to make a few modifications with the graphics, as the new table was a bit longer.  All grphics are from The Graphics Fairy whose site I highly recommend you check out!  Tons of vintage and retro images available for free download!

I decided to coordinate a charity event for the YMCA called 'Chairs for Charity' and inspired by a similar initiative in Langley, BC.  More on that later!

Finally, I've been working on reviving this amazing retro wardrobe which I got for a steal at a local auction.  It's come a long way since this photo, but still has much farther to travel.  I'm calling it my 'Fifty Shades of Grey' armoire.  Lots more juicy photos and details to come.  Ha!

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