
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Chairs for Charity - Some 'Before' some 'After'

There are a ton of chairs just hanging out in our sunroom at the moment.  It looks like this, only worse now because there are actually MORE chairs than when I originally took this picture.

The yellow parson's-style chairs in the photo above are especially fascinating.  I knew they were old as the women who donated them told me they had originally been a part of the Granite Club (Toronto's version of a country club). 

When I was taking apart the chairs, I knew they were old because
a) they were made of real wood,
b) they were stuffed with horse hair and
c) there was a stamp that said "Made in Holland" and a paper sticker that said "J&J Kohn and Mundus New York Toronto." 

I did a little sleuthing and found out that J&J Kohn and Mundus were European companies that merged around 1922 and had both a NY and Toronto branch.  Chairs were made in various countries in Europe, including Holland. 

These chairs are likely almost 90 years old!!  Awesome!

Now the chair is naked and waiting for some new clothes...I have just the thing!  Stay tuned for more details here. 

I collected 5 of these pink plush chairs.  Four of them came from a funeral home (think 'Six Feet Under') and one from another donor, origins unknown. 

The trick is to make these 5 chairs look unique...sort of same-same but different?


 The first of the 5 is what I like to call the 'Rambling Rose' chair.  Please excuse the quality of the photos.  I am clearly NOT a photographer. 

I have ideas for Pink Chair makeovers #2-#5...but it takes a lot of time to remove all of the old fabric (staples galore!) so don't hold your breath for pictures this week...they're coming!

For now, check out this office chair transformation a la buttons. 

 Here's a close of up that hand stitching and button work.  Fun stuff! 

Check out the Chairs for Charity event details on our Facebook page.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chairs for Charity - in support of the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign

I'm coordinating a fundraising event at the YMCA with proceeds supporting the Strong Kids Campaign which helps to send children, who would otherwise be unable to afford it, to summer camp and other  other YMCA programs free of charge. 

The event will take place in early December (actual date TBA) at the YMCA.  A number of old, worn out chairs have been donated to the YMCA and require a facelift.  These chairs will be transformed by a team of talented individuals and then auctioned off to raise money. 

If you live in the Peterborough area, and are interested in refurbising a chair for this event, get in touch with me!  I'd love to have you as part of the team. 

Interested in being a chair 'sponsor?'  For a donation of $30, a chair will be created to represent your business or corporate image and you will receive publicity at the Chairs for Charity event.  Your chair will be displayed in your business during the last week of November and at the YMCA the first week of December.  Join us as a community partner! 
The first chair to undergo a Chairs for Charity transformation! 

You'll have to come and check out this chair in person at the event in December to fully appreciate all of the fantastic details! Stay tuned for more information (and more sneak peeks!). 

A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

I must apologize for my long absence from the blogsphere...I've got a lot on the go!

Most recently (read: about 20 mins ago), I finished up another 'French' coffee table for a client in Brampton, ON.  She loved the original table I had made in the summer so I more-or-less reproduced it for her. 

 The top photo is of the tables I just sold.  The bottom photo are the tables which sold in the summer.  I had to make a few modifications with the graphics, as the new table was a bit longer.  All grphics are from The Graphics Fairy whose site I highly recommend you check out!  Tons of vintage and retro images available for free download!

I decided to coordinate a charity event for the YMCA called 'Chairs for Charity' and inspired by a similar initiative in Langley, BC.  More on that later!

Finally, I've been working on reviving this amazing retro wardrobe which I got for a steal at a local auction.  It's come a long way since this photo, but still has much farther to travel.  I'm calling it my 'Fifty Shades of Grey' armoire.  Lots more juicy photos and details to come.  Ha!